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Which is your IT Support Provider

by | Sep 6, 2016 | News, Uncategorized

Our sales team speak to many small business every day, many of whom say:

“We already have IT Support”…..

then continue:”We never speak to them, they never come in, the computers seem ‘ok’, though pretty slow”

If this sounds familiar, you’ve got a reactive provider.

IT providers should be checking systems, applying updates, monitoring logs, testing security, patching issues, scanning for malware and viruses. All so your computers don’t break in the first place. This is what your business needs to remain compliant and protected. This is proactive or managed support.

Very occasionally, we speak to businesses who do get proactive support. They are sent reports, updates are applied and systems kept in check – Great start.

However, even with proactive providers – issues do occur and when they do, will they re-occur a week later? Will the same issue effect other employees? What was the fix and should it be applied to all computers within the organisation. This is predictive support… or “Super Proactive”. Providers who use their heads to keep technology working as it should.

If a fix is to be applied, then apply it to all… saving employees from reporting the same problem again and again!

How can you tell if you’re getting good proactive IT support or bad reactive support?Start by asking “What reporting do I get about my IT”

Then ask yourself, “If I have a problem, does it re-occur or does my colleague have the same issue”

So, what service do you get from your provider? Let us know….. Hello@FibreFly.co.uk