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Rubbish Internet – Always slow, regular disconnects and outages?

by | Jun 15, 2016 | News

You may be one of the lucky ones whose websites always load and who never have outages, but for many, internet disruption is a common problem. Regular disconnects and outages, web sites taking an age to load and uploading files to send to 3rd parties taking ‘forever’. It is like a cruel joke that will destroy your productivity, however, there are a few ways to troubleshoot the cause of the problem…. 1.Call your internet provider We often see customers on an internet package provided 5 years ago. Providers don’t automatically update the package so customers are often left paying more for less. A quick call will confirm what speed should be possible in your area. Check out billigastemobilabonnemang.nu. isp_logo_swirl_uk 2. Check your speed To determine what speed your internet is currently capable of, visit www.SpeedTest.net. If the numbers don’t match what your provider says, you should read on. 17u4l1ibcq88ljpg 3. Check your hardware Many internet providers supply cheap and cheerful internet routers. From time to time these need to be reset to get them back to working order. Simply turn them off, wait 30 seconds, then turn them back on again. 0079-1-router-rev Re-check your speed to see if this has helped…. 4. Check your WiFi If your computer connects to your network using WiFi, then poor signal strength could be causing speed issues. Where possible connect a cable between your computer and your router to rule this out. Re-check your speed with this cable connected. images 5. Available bandwidth Internet connections can only pass a certain amount of traffic. If someone or thing is downloading at maximum throughput then others will experience slow connections. Turn off all other computers, laptops, IPads, Tablets, Iphones – then re-test. slow-rds-bandwidth 6. Check for line quality. Websites are sent to your computer in lots of blocks called ‘packets’. If packets are lost on their way to your computer they will be re-sent but this will delay the website loading. Visit PingTest.Net to identify packet loss or quality. If this reports a problem, talk to your internet provider. pingtest1.net_   These are the basics but there are more techniques to improving internet connectivity. We have worked with many organisations to bring stable and reliable connections which don’t cost the earth. Talk to us today for a no obligation check and quote to see how we can enhance your connection.