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Our top picks of news from the Tech World
Which is your IT Support Provider
Our sales team speak to many small business every day, many of whom say: "We already have IT Support"..... then continue:"We never speak to them, they never come in, the computers seem 'ok', though pretty slow" If this sounds familiar, you've got a reactive provider....
Social Media is great….. within reason
Social media is great.... within reason. It can't be denied. Social media is used across the world; for networking, catching up with co-workers, posting adds, blogging content... there are all sorts of business cases for its use. But, in many companies, employees can...
What is your office internet used for?
What is your office internet used for? Websites, Email, Facebook, Online booking.... Is that all? Do you have office WiFi? Can staff connect their phones and laptops? Opening WiFi on guest devices means businesses can lose control of what the internet is used for....
What do you get from your IT Support?
What do you get from IT Support? Much has changed in IT support. Many think of 'support' in the form of "oh no, my computer is not turning on." Whilst 'Break fix' work is still very much a requirement of an IT provider, it's not just when a computer dies that you...
Do we still need an onsite server?
Onsite Servers: Do we still need them? Office space, especially in London, is always in high demand. With many commercial buildings charging per sq ft a simple IT and comms room can quickly add up in price.... and for what? To store a few servers, monitors, old PCs...
Having problems with OneDrive?
Using the Office 365 package? Many organisations have already transitioned from their traditional on-site server to the Office 365 platform. This suite provides a host of great features and functionality: Hosted email, Microsoft Office, Instant messaging and Yammer to...
What is Backup and Disaster Recovery?
An effective Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution is essential to virtually every business today We take a deeper look into what exactly BDR is, how small and medium-sized business can benefit from it, and what to look for in an ideal BDR solution. As a Managed...
Managed IT Support Services
Understanding Managed IT Support Services When technology is working at its best, you’re able to knock out projects faster, cultivate a collaborative environment, generate innovative ideas, and ultimately take your business to new heights. Technology is a wonderful...
What is RaaS
What is RAAS? Many will have heard of SaaS (Software as a Service) - The monthly recurring fee cloud software packages: Examples such as Google Apps, Salesforce and WebEx. These are all SaaS offering. Then there is IaaS (Infastructure as a Service) - The monthly...
Two-thirds of UK businesses hit by security breaches!
Two-thirds of UK businesses have been hit by cyber security breaches but directors remain unaware Two-thirds of FTSE companies admit they have been hit by a cyber breach or attack in the past year... and this number is thought to be higher in small businesses who have...
How do you share sensitive documents with clients?
How do you share sensitive documents with clients? We speak with many businesses and this question has interesting answers across all sectors. Lawyers, Healthcare, Accountants, Charities, Schools. Almost every sector has sensitive information about clients or...
Dots in GMail
Have you received a message to your GMail account which doesn't have the correct arrangement of dots? Strangely, the GMail platform does not recognise dots as characters...so they are always ignored. hom.er.j.sim.ps.on@gmail.com = homerjsimpson@gmail.com...
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